7:35 a.m. – Brush teeth, wash face, grimace at hair. Still no sign of mono or oral herpes from depraved 100 Days experience. Surely only a matter of time.
7:45 a.m. – Set about finishing all the reading I was too tired to complete last night. Pathetic. Will soon be downing Red Bull/Metamucil cocktails to start my day.
10 a.m. – British history class. Still brain-dead from this weekend’s double whammy of 100 Days and the LSAT. Where is Britain, again?
11 a.m. – Return to Loose with outtakes and Earl Grey. In mysterious act of coordination, every poster in my room has fallen off the walls. This is … troubling.
11:05 a.m. – Check e-mail. Mother reports that my six-year-old niece is puzzled by the nature of “college” and wants to know whether I have recess. In my dreams, kid.
11:30 a.m. – Browse news sites. NYT running another story about how hard it is for rich people to be slightly less rich. Seriously consider sending letter bombs to everyone involved with this article. (Note to FBI: This is a joke.)
2:15 p.m. – Seminar. Probably should not be this excited about judicial review. Note to self: acquire hobbies.
5:45 p.m. – Weekly dinner with handful of friends. Promise to leave after half hour, unlike last week’s 90 minutes.
6:45 p.m. – Finally leave dining hall. Progress!
7 p.m. – Intend to start tomorrow’s seminar reading. Instead, spend hours on idealist.org. Is it really too much to ask that I find an occupation that does not involve living in a cardboard box eating bugs for sustenance?
10 p.m. – Survey says: yes.
11 p.m. – Crawl into bed like the old lady I am. After all, tomorrow is another big, exhausting, hopefully mono-free day.