12:30 p.m.—Wake up, probably next to [wakshlag].
12:50 p.m.—Eat some lunch consisting of a combination of meat, cheese and bread.
1:11 p.m.—Leave for class.
1:15 p.m.— While walking to the train, three guys tell me I’m beautiful, two say I have pretty hair and one tells me his kid needs a mama.
1:18 p.m.—Struggle to communicate in Spanish. (Just assume this happens all day.)
1:30 p.m.—Get on the Subte [Buenos Aires Underground]. A man tries to sell me a pair of socks and a CD that’s a mix of hits from the 80’s and traditional argentine folklore. Almost buy the CD, it’s pretty good.
2:05 p.m.—Get to class at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) only to realize that there is no class because the university has been “tomada,” aka the students have taken over the building as a protest. Try to figure out why they’re protesting but I can’t understand anything.
2:10 p.m.—Head home on the bus.
2:20 p.m.—Get stuck in traffic because there’s a protest on the streets. They protest a lot here.
3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.—Miss my main girls [dawsonev] [garzaele] [marcuslu] and [shevelki]. You too, [walkeris] and [fulgonij].
5:00 p.m.—Do some argentine thing like drink mate or smoke cigarettes or walk a dog.
5:30 p.m.—Enjoy the beautiful day because it’s spring here, suckaaaas.
7:00 p.m.—Now that I’ve finished Breaking Bad, I just sit quietly in my room until dinner.
9:00 p.m.—Have dinner with my sweet ass host family. Eat another combination of meat, cheese and bread. Watch an argentine game show in which the contestants are dogs and they have to run down a track and try to knock down 10 big bowling pins at the end of it. I don’t actually know what the dog wins if it knocks down all of the pins because it has never happened (this show actually exists and is amazing).
11:00 p.m.—Ch-ch-ch-chill out with the peeps.
2:30 a.m.—Drink Fernet and dance our lil’ booties off.
4:45 a.m.—Head home, effectively marking myself as a foreigner because no one leaves bars or clubs here until at least 5:00 a.m.
4:55 a.m.—Try to figure out ways to stay here forever.