Whether dropping by the grill for an evening snack or dropping buckets in Darby Gymnasium, Anthony LaMacchia ’16 is perennially down to have a good time. The S&B’s Editor-in-Chief Kelly Pyzik sat down with the heart and soul of the basketball team to discuss the meaning of life and his time at Grinnell.
The S&B: How did you start playing basketball?
LaMacchia: When I was four. I think it was with the YMCA, and I had a little Fisher-Price hoop in my basement.
What made you stick with it?
I love to shoot, I guess. That’s the only answer I have … It was the easiest sport for me to play by myself when I wanted to practice at home, as opposed to football where you can’t really play by yourself. With basketball I had access to it all the time and that was the best thing for me when I was young.
What are some of your favorite team memories?
My favorite memory by far was my first year — it was over winter break, and half of our team had food poisoning. We went to Cornell [College], like, twelve guys or eleven guys, and we were down by 20 and we came back and won at the buzzer off a shot from Luke Yeager [’15], who graduated last year. That was the most fun by far.
Do you have any goals with basketball for the year?
The last two years we’ve lost in the Conference championship, so definitely to win that. Otherwise, our main goal is always to lead the nation in scoring.
Do you feel in any way that you are the Hayes Gardner [’15] of 2016?
I don’t think anyone will ever be Hayes again. That’s funny, because people have asked me that. I will say that I don’t think anyone can live up to him. I’m going to throw that in there, give him a shout out. … Hayes is a goon.
Favorite class that you’ve taken?
Ever, ever? That’s kind of tough. My Native American History class with [Paul] Lacson, [History] … Just because for a week or two we played this game where we all have a role and you’re either on the Native American side … and you’re in treaty negotiations with the British. My role, I was young warrior, so I had to make sure we got in some type of war, and we ended up winning, so that was fun.
A regrettable class?
Most regrettable? Symbolic Logic. I was so bad at it. … It was horrible.
Favorite grill snack?
Drink, peach palmer. Food, definitely the buffalo chicken bites.