Phil Trubee ’18: “I dressed up as a sexy cop. I wore short shorts and a button-down, sleeves cut off and little Grinnell PD stickers … I brought this huge American flag with me since I was dressed up as a cop, so I was just kind of like waving that around a lot.”

Colton Silvia ’17: “There were some Smurfs … I think that might have been the weirdest because of like the body paint, all the blue body paint. Especially the sweaty Smurfs …”
Luis Hernandez ’15: “It was very interesting. I was Aladdin, I found a Jasmine. The music was really good. I saw a sailor and a lot of people who were Grecian people.”
Leah Barr ’18: “I made out with a gay dude.”
Syd Tardrew ’17: “So there were a lot of blue Smurfs, and I thought that was pretty funny. Saw a lot of shirtless blue guys walking around.”
Cassidy Peterson ’17: “Halloween Harris is one of my favorite Harrises. I went last year too and it was really fun to see everyone dressed up and participating in it. And this year was just as good, so I liked it a lot.”
Riley Mangan ’15: “Halloween Harris is really fun because everyone was dressed up in really crazy costumes and people were pretty creative about what they dressed up as.”
Zach Davis ’17: “I dressed up as a hotdog … It was a little odd because some people called me a hot dog and some people called me a weiner, so that definitely made for some awkward interactions.”