We at the S&B maintain a steadfast commitment to the highest principles of journalism and strive constantly to provide this community with coverage that is fair, useful and accurate.
Upon further deliberation, and in light of newly acquired information, we believe that the faculty document posted on the S&B website last Friday does not meet our stringent criteria for publication and we have since decided to remove the document from our website.
We have not yet and nor will we ever publish something that we know to be false. And while, after rigorous attempts at verification, the S&B is not aware of any incorrect information in the packet, we also cannot definitively verify all of its information and claims as definitively true. Additionally, we have been approached by some individuals who were sourced in the packet who expressed concerns about confidentiality and that the information they provided was being misused.
This issue has generated an unusual amount of interest and excitement on campus and we thought it important to explain to our readers why we made this decision.
We end by reiterating our commitment to quality and principled journalism in an effort to promote within this community an informative and responsible exchange of ideas. That is always our goal and we will work tirelessly so that our readers never have to doubt that it is being met.