ACE Security would like to take this opportunity to inform the Grinnell College community of our purpose, as well as publicize some of the new policies that have been put in place regarding all-campus events. ACE Security was founded on the premise of “Self-Gov” with its main role of “addressing situations and communicating concerns about issues that undermine community or individual rights, whether they are your own or others” (GC Handbook, pg. 89). In other words, we help to keep all-campus events student-run and ensure students’ safety.
We are truly here to help and keep students’ best interest at heart. It is fundamental that everyone treats ACE Security Staff with the utmost respect and complies with our requests. Remember that we are your peers, and we want everyone to have a good weekend, us included! When we ask students to leave their outside beverages at home it is not to be party poopers; it is school policy. Not carrying open containers outside will also help us, as a community, cut down the number of arrests stemming from open containers, public intoxication, minors in possession and much more. Students who fail to comply with our requests may be reported to the Division of Student Affairs.
Below we would also like to clarify some new ACE Security Policies, which will be strictly enforced from here on out:
1. Guest passes must be obtained from Campus Security; guests will not be allowed into Harris otherwise.
2. We strongly encourage students to use the Harris Lounge after hours to eat a snack, have some water and relax before leaving the venue.
3. ACE Security Staff members have the right to request to see P-Cards at all times.
4. No drinks (of any kind) will be allowed outside of the Harris Concert Hall or other approved venue/area.
5. No students are allowed on the Harris stage or on tables.
6. No backpacks are allowed inside the Harris Center.
7. No smoking, per the Iowa Clean Air Act.
Once again we ask you to please be respectful to ACE Security staff members, we are only trying to help and ensure that everyone has a safe and fun night.