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The Scarlet & Black

The Independent Student News Site of Grinnell College

The Scarlet & Black

The Scarlet & Black

Write for Us

No experience required.

Get paid to deliver high-quality journalism to the Grinnell, IA community. Work alongside fellow students to tell the stories that matter, take great photos, and help keep Grinnell informed. It’s all possible at The Scarlet & Black, America’s oldest college newspaper west of the Mississippi.


Writers and photographers work on a freelance basis, and are assigned articles at our weekly meetings in the Publications Office. If you’ve never come to a meeting before, don’t worry! Our editors love to see new faces and would be happy to work with you to write a compelling piece of journalism. Want to be notified when the S&B is meeting? Send an email to our Editors-in-Chief. Otherwise, see below for our usual gathering times.

The S&B typically hires for staff positions at the end of each semester. However, Editors-in-Chief hire as editorial positions become available, and the Opinions Editor accepts applications for columnists and cartoonists at the beginning of each semester.


We meet to assign photos and stories to interested students, regardless of experience. Meetings are held in the Publications Office, JRC 220. Typically, writers meet at 3:00 p.m. on Sundays, and photographers at 3:30 p.m. However, if on school break, the S&B editors send out an email to consistent writers and photographers regarding the meeting time.

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