Writer Mira Livia Berkson ’20 and photographer Ariel Richards ’23 chatted with students in the Spencer Grill about how they sign off on Outlook.
“[When writing emails in Spanish], ‘Saludos.’ And then you just write your name. Like, there’s no comma, no punctuation… And if you don’t do that, you fail Spanish 343.” – Elizabeth Collinger ’21
“I like ‘Best regards,’ because I think ‘Sincerely,’ is kind of weird, like you’re writing a letter to a family member … just saying ‘Best,’ sounds like something should come after it … But ‘Best regards,’ is kind of just like, to me it’s like, I sent this email with the intention of connecting with you or communicating this specific thing, and I don’t know, ‘Best regards,’ just rolls off the tongue better.” – Sean Wright ’20
“Depending on the person, I say like, if it’s a professor I answer in a certain way, if I asked them a question, I’ll say… ‘Thank you for your time,’ … if it’s another student I end with ‘Thanks,’ and then just my name at the end. I don’t really think about it too much … I also make sure to take off the ‘Outlook for iOS’ to make sure that people don’t know that I’m using my phone, but that’s about it.” – Adam Burke ’23
“’Best’ something, … because it’s relatively shorter, and ‘cause the math professor last year liked to use ‘Best,’ so I just follow the trend I guess. [I use sincerely] when I ask for help, or, like, in a letter or some- thing like that.” – Zhenzhong Xing ’23
“I know mine, lowkey – this sounds really dumb – depends on the weather, ‘cause if it’s cold outside I’ll say, like, ‘Stay warm!’ … If I’m asking someone for something, I will regularly go ‘Thank you for all you do.’ … If it’s one of my friends, and I’m being a pain, I’ll be like ‘Signing off.’ – Creede McClellan ’21
“I always just put my name, ‘cause I’m too worried about what context to use, like, ‘Sincerely,’ or ‘Thanks,’ so it’s always just, like, my email, and then just ‘Katheryn.’” – Katheryn Padilla ‘22