Fall and spring of my first year, I worked almost exclusively at the Dining Hall. I had no dreams of career mobility or a change of profession until Abraham Teuber `22 told me I could make the same amount of money at the S&B and not come home smelling like onions. I wrote my first Cribz article that spring and turned in my Dhall hat for good.
Since my debut at the August 2019 S&Bash, I have worked full time for the S&B as both an editor and a writer. Over the years (in-person and remotely) I have served as the community editor, features editor, arts editor and then the community and features editors again.
Although I once famously said that, “I only cover one thing: houses, style, and gossip,” I have in fact, done a wide variety of work for the S&B. This includes in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, a recap of the record-breaking winter beer die season, and profiles of both the 2020 Miss Iowa, Emily Tinsmen, and John Noer, a Grinnell resident and local puzzle legend.
As with most other things in my life, I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into when I joined the S&B. But by joining an organization that pushed me outside of the College’s bubble, I permanently changed my experience at Grinnell for the better.
Thank you to everyone in the greater Grinnell community that has made my life better. Thank you to John and Andy at Grin City Bakery for always giving me a free refill, and the woman at the laundromat who gave me a handful of quarters when I couldn’t get the change machine to work and thank you to all the wonderful people I had the opportunity to meet and get to know. Thank you to my coworkers, friends, and childhood best friend and fellow Grinnell graduate, Hannah Agpoon.
I hope that even in some small way, I was able to bring a little brightness into your life, as you did mine. Thank you for listening and for letting me live here for a little bit. It’s a nice place to live.