8:30 a.m.—Hold down power button for 5 seconds. The machine is starting up.
9:00 a.m.—Grab reserve battery pack, you never know.
9:15 a.m.—We find our Hero among her contemporaries. Bustling and buzzing — they are getting ready for another day at the hive.
9:30 a.m.—Pretend to drink cup of coffee. If they see you participating in familiar, commonplace activities, they won’t question a thing.
The hours progress.
3:00 p.m.—“Go” to the “bathroom.”
4:00 p.m.—Why is Adam Sandler Here? [sandlerad]
4:01 p.m.—[sandlerad] hands me a small package and disappears in a cloud of blue smoke.
4:15 p.m.—I trip and fall. Hm. That was embarrassing. I use the remote control [sandlerad] gave me to rewind the situation. This time around, I see the banana on the ground before it destroys me (and my image).
Wow what a day! *short circuits*
5:00 p.m.—Sitting in public, I accidentally activate my touch screen features. Now that was a close one.
5:30 p.m.—Oh look, a penny.
6 p.m.—You guys go ahead … I’ll grab dinner later … *replaces battery pack*
7 p.m.—Pencils, papers, rapid movement.
8 p.m.—*tips fedora*
9 p.m.—Twiddle my thumbs.
10 p.m.—Thumble my twids.
11 p.m.—Wash the grime of the day away.
11:11 p.m.—As if I’m gonna tell you.
11:30 p.m.—Prank people.
12 a.m.—Tap routine … a new day.