8:15 a.m.—Wake up to the sound of KDIC on the clock radio. Decide that I totally have 10 more minutes to spare, and fall back asleep.
8:25 a.m.—Wake up to the sound of KDIC on the clock radio. Decide that I totally have 10 more minutes to spare, and fall back asleep.
8:45 a.m.—Find out that I do not, in fact, have 10 more minutes to spare.
9:00 a.m.—Breakfast and meeting with acting professor about last performance. Apparently, I need to make more positive choices, or as he put it, “flirt more.”
9:45 a.m.—I haz packages!
9:46 a.m.—Autocorrect decides that I do not haz packages; instead, I haze them.
11:00 a.m.—Class: Spanish 285. Do not understand the concept of “antítesis” in Spanish. Do not understand the concept of “antithesis” in English.
12:00 p.m.—Outtake and tech rehearsal on pageant wagon. Things I never thought I’d say but delight in saying now: “We need a stepladder for Hell.” “Let’s go put our naked clothes on.”
1:15 p.m.—Class: Intro. to Tech Theatre. Performing Genesis in the style of medieval theatre: i.e., farcical, low-tech and historically inaccurate. We succeed on all accounts.
2:43 p.m.—Strike pageant wagon and spend the rest of class learning the many ways that Bucksbaum just fails when it comes to sound.
4:50 p.m.—Work in the costume studio, spray-painting shoes and sewing on lace because I am too incompetent to build dresses. On the plus side, I see my costume for the musical—gold and green with an enormous bustle, and easily the most beautiful thing I’ve ever worn on stage.
6:14 p.m.—Cast dinner in the whale room.
7:00 p.m.—Rehearsal for “Sunday in the Park with George”, full run.
9:02 p.m.—Intermission break. Give my new BFF, the 10-year-old who plays my daughter, a piggyback ride down the hallway. Wish someone gave me piggyback rides when I was 10.
9:12 p.m.—Second act, most of which is eaten by a seventeen-part song. Want to punch Sondheim, which is nothing new. Sometimes there is only so much genius you can take.
10:30 p.m.—Rehearsal ends. Sitzprobe and costume fitting tomorrow! Do tiny dance of clotheshorse glee.
10:45 p.m.—Skype with my father long enough for us to both agree we’re too tired to Skype and should go to bed.
10:47 p.m.—TUMBLR!
11:40 p.m.—Emerge, shaken, from the rabbit hole.
11:44 p.m.—Menu planning for SRC’s Community Meal. How many beans does it take in a menu before it starts to get redundant?
12:25 a.m.—Realize I still have to do laundry. Will be productive while laundry is in the wash!
12:35 a.m.—Intermittently work on theatre journals and read Bill Bryson’s “The Mother Tongue” while laundry is in the wash.
1:43 a.m.—Bedtime. Wrap myself in fuzzy blankets and dream longingly of heating that works.
A Day in the Life: Kate Loftur-Thun ’14
November 10, 2011
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David Dender • Apr 9, 2012 at 8:27 pm
Kate Lofter-Thun has one of the greatest speaking voices around.