7:25 p.m.—Make my way to Bucksbaum (or Big Buck, as we say in the industry).
7:29 p.m.—Arrive fashionably on time. Notice some others passing through and strike up casual conversation about the prospect of writing for the 24-Hour Theatre Project. They are, in fact, not here for the 24-Hour Theatre Project.
7:30 p.m.—[boggessn] ‘19 arrives bearing many snacks. I have my eye on a ripe bag of Flamin’ Hots.
7:35 p.m.—The writers have all arrived; our snack bearer in the lead, we make our way to the prop closet to get some inspirational props. Become inspired.
7:45 p.m.—Head back to Loose, the now-open bag of Flamin’ Hots my only cargo. I think it was meant for the entire cast and crew of 24-Hour, but they can have whatever I don’t eat.
8:30 p.m.—Writing in my room. This one-act may not have a middle or an end, but it sure as hell has sort of a beginning.
9:00 p.m.—No one likes to write alone; make my way to [scottlyd17]’s house after a stop at the Grill(/e) for coffee and more snacks (Flamin’ Hots can’t fight this fight alone either).
10:00 p.m.—Haven’t made “progress on the novel,” so much as “progress on a friendship.”
10:30 p.m.—Lots of snacks are being consumed. The laptops are finally open. Jesus has the wheel in hand.
12:00 a.m.—Writing progresses as only writing can. Page gets added to page. Nothing can stop me now.
1:00 a.m.—“Hey [scottlyd17], wanna watch Movie 43?”
1:15 a.m.—Flamin’ Hots all gone. Oop.
1:30 a.m.—“Ben, can we skip ahead to the part with Johnny Knoxville, [From the acclaimed film series “Jackass”]?”
2:00 a.m.—Sent back to Loose to write more on home soil.
3:00 a.m.—Offered a shot from some floormates; I believe it was Hemingway who said “Write drunk, edit sober.”
4:00 a.m.—Kum & Go run, featuring a Tragic Lack of Tornados
5:30 a.m.—We’re in deep now.
6:30 a.m.—Wait, is this script actually good? [still no]
7:00 a.m.—Wait, is this script actually done? [actually yes]
7:10 a.m.—Hit send, close laptop, refresh with shower.
7:25 a.m.—Really there’s no reason I need to walk to Big Buck and see the actors/directors, since my job as a writer is now done. That said, I’m still gonna do it.
7:45 a.m.—And here we are. Finished. A job well done. Now I can reward myself with a solid sleep before the show tonight.