By Michael Schoelz
Looking for an excuse to skip your next trip to the gym? Student Health and Counseling Services (SHACS) had to shut down the Bear Athletic Center weight room on January 18 and 19 after discovering an undisclosed bacteria. Despite several rumors concerning the identity of the bacteria, Student Health Coordinator Deb Shill assured that although she asked for the two-day clean, the campus community was never in any eminent danger.
“There are all types of different bacteria on campus,” Shill said. “We felt it was a great opportunity to scrub the weight room from top to bottom to make sure there was no risk to anyone.”
Facilities Management made the final decision to close the weight room for two days, taking advantage of the fortunate timing during winter break. Dean of Students Travis Greene confirmed the presence of bacteria and added that no more information would be released due to federal privacy laws regarding medical records, and stressed that this was an isolated incident.
Since the cleaning, Shill has not seen the bacteria in question come through her office. On the other hand, she has seen several other preventable illnesses and urges everyone to take steps to keep himself or herself healthy this flu season and thoroughly wash their hands, keep coughs covered, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
In related news, SHACS will no longer be excusing students from classes for minor illnesses starting this semester. If a student is going to miss a class, they must communicate with their professors to make up any missed work.