5:30 a.m.—Hit snooze bar on alarm clock.
5:40 a.m.—Groggily get up, curse myself for staying up late and hop in the shower.
6:03 a.m.—Look over notes for class discussion before leaving for the Bear.
6:30 a.m.—Football team meeting. Coaches give us the scouting report on our opponent for the week, Knox, while we pretend to be awake.
7:19 a.m.—Head to breakfast after running back to my dorm to print an article for class.
7:58 a.m.—Make it to my 8 a.m. on time for a change.
9:48 a.m.—Done with class for the day! Head back to my dorm to start on the ridiculous amount of laundry/cleaning of my room I’ve been putting off.
10:45 a.m.—Discover The Killers Pandora station, spend the next 2 hours going between laundry room, procrastinating via music/Facebook and actually getting some work done.
12:49 p.m.—Remember that eating is a necessity regardless of how much work I have, head over to lunch.
1:28 p.m.—Check mailbox. I have a package! Cookies from Grandma always make my day … except when my grandma uses imitation sugar to bake “healthier” (read: the cookies do not taste the best). I appreciate the thought nonetheless and give cookies away to floormates and teammates.
2:00 p.m.—Meet with Richard Bright about off campus study options for next year. Try to decide between Argentina and Spain—a headache ensues.
2:34 p.m.—Settle down in my room to get work done after sulking over said work for 5 minutes.
3:08 p.m.—Remember Fall Break is 10 days away—proceed to hold mini-celebration with floor mate.
3:35 p.m.—Leave for the Bear to get ready for practice.
4:13 p.m.—Get to practice field 17 minutes early, so I attempt to take a 10-minute power nap.
4:16 p.m.—Invading bugs and insects of all sorts decide I will in fact not have a nap.
6:34 p.m.—Head back to Bear to change/shower/cleanup/sulk over the start of “Beard-tober” and my newly clean-shaven face in the mirror.
6:51 p.m.—Head to dinner.
7:45 p.m.—Chat with friends while attempting to finish work.
10:22 p.m.—Finally finish studying for Spanish test the next day.
11:05 p.m.—Surprise myself and decide to be proactive, start on paper due in five days.
11:55 p.m.—Sick of skimming texts for support, I give up and hit the sack.
A Day in the Life: Sam Offenberg ’14
October 6, 2011
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