Spring 2022 SGA Executive Election results

Graphic by Mohammad Igbaria.

Mohammad Igbaria, News Editor

By Mohammad Igbaria

Loyal Terry `23 has won the Spring 2022 Executive Election and will be the next president of the Student Government Association (SGA). Diogo Tandeta Tartarotti `24 was also elected as Vice President of Student Affairs and Jivyaa Vaidya `23 was elected as Vice President of Academic Affairs. The newly-elected Terry-Tandeta Tartarotti-Vaidya administration will take office in the fall. Additionally, Natalia Ramirez `24 was elected as All Campus Events Chair, and Sarah Toay `23 ran uncontested and was elected for the position of Treasurer.

The election, which ran from May 9 to May 16, was the subject of widespread conversation and controversy primarily on the social media apps YikYak and Instagram. Additionally, the determination of the results of the election was delayed by the withdrawal of one candidate on May 17 according to current Vice President of Academic Affairs Ashton Aveling `22 in an email to the S&B.

The candidate who initially withdrew, Nameera Dawood `23, then requested to revoke her initial withdrawal. Current SGA President Fernando Villatoro-Rodriguez `22 and College Vice President of Student Affairs Sarah Mochenross decided to honor the original request of withdrawal, also in consultation with Dean of Students Ben Newhouse, Director of Student Involvement Ashley Adams, and President Anne Harris, according to an email from Aveling.

The results of the election were confirmed as final by Aveling on June 3 in an email to the S&B.