Every great party has a beginning—whether it is Mary B. James, Block Party or 10/10. Last weekend, the International Student Organization (ISO)’s Around the World party was no different. It was an amalgamation of everything that makes a party great—it was progressive, it brought something new, and it provided the campus with music and drinks they would otherwise not pay attention to.
Most importantly, it was finally great to have a well-attended campus party that wasn’t American-centric. Grinnellians have always had a knack for coming up with creative parties; however, for too long we have ignored the cultural importance of so many students. While Journey and Lady GaGa are great choices for any night, it is important for students to branch out and celebrate where much of our music comes from. Furthermore, every stop quenched our thirsts with libations particular to each country.
With 10/10 taking place in the fall, spring semester had been lacking the fresh air of a campus-wide progressive party. The south campus loggia was brimming all night with bright faces from all over the Grinnell landscape. So job well done, ISO, we hope you keep this party alive for years to come.