1:50 a.m. – After an hour of intense postering (It’s ACSU week!), I finally climb into bed. I’m supposed to be doing my reading for class, but why not procrastinate?
1:53 a.m. – *Checks Facebook feed* *checks Snapchat * *checks Instagram* *repeat cycle*.
2:00 a.m. – Eeep! Forgot to fill in my E-time. Filling it in now. Damn, this procrastination thing seems to be a trend.
2:12 a.m. – Off to bed. Didn’t do readings, lol.
11:00 a.m. – Wake up to pillow talk with my roomieeeee (Shout outzzz Adobea [Williams ’18]).
12:40 p.m. – Head over to the Jrrccc (pronounced as one word) with my roommate for lunch and see a crowd in front of the Jrrccc. Bear in mind, I have planned to do my readings before my 2 p.m. class.
12:42 p.m. – Head towards the crowd and find a “preacher” and his family condemning my fellow Grinnellians to Hell. Curiosity in this case killed a little bit of my soul.
P.S. here are my favourite parts of their salvation rant: “Don’t kiss boys, their tongues are perpetual erections,” “This is America,” “You smoke the Marijuanas.”
1:00 p.m. – After procrastinating my lunch date with the roomie and doing my readings, finally grab lunch. Have humorous discussions about Africa *the motherland, pounds chest with pride* with Adobea and Joshua [Tibatemwa ’19].
1:30 p.m. – Finish lunch. Drop off plates to dish line conveyor belt. Wave at the monitoring lady at the exit of D-Hall. I know she only really cares about whether or not I’m smuggling fruit out of a COLLEGE Dining Hall. Smh, reminds me of high school.
1:32 p.m. – Head outside to see the progress with the dramatic preaching family.
1:55 p.m. – Just remembered I was supposed to be doing readings but convince myself that watching these ranting fanatics will be helpful for my religious studies class.
1:57 p.m. – Head to class, ready to fake it till I make it!
2:00 p.m. – Class with Professor Paul Hutchison, Education, who I have an intellectual crush on, btw. Check e-mails in class. Raise my hand once and get in that participation grade! Paul writes my point down. *Internal celebratory dance *
4:30-7:00 pm – Wait on Hillary. Still waiting. Still waitingg. Still waitinggg. Finally Hillary. At this point I am starving and cranky but still manage to get her in my Snapstory.
8:00 p.m. – Grab four plates. Scarf down my four plates: Burger from burger bar, lamb curry (which was very good), slither of Key Lime pie and a salad.
8:30 p.m. – Practice for Latin American Festival. Come support your [ACSU] girlssss. (This Saturday, Harris @ 3pm.)
9 p.m. – African and Caribbean Student Union (ACSU) Pub night. Host the “Are you smarter than an ACSU member?” quiz. Mini Dance party in Lyle’s.
2:33 a.m. – Working on Blackout playlist now. Come support your girllllll (Nov. 6, 10 p.m., BCC, $3).
3:00 a.m. – Bed Time for Queen B(iamah). Stay tuned for my reality Snapchat show: biamah, lol.