Dear Grinnellians,
Looking back on several weeks of successful student-led activities focused on wellness and self-care—Pride Week, Self-Care Week, alcohol awareness efforts and Sexual Assault Awareness Week, among others—my Student Affairs colleagues and I want to thank you for your amazing work to raise awareness, encourage prevention and provide support for the whole Grinnell community. In our self-governing community, each of us has to hold ourselves and those around us to the highest standards. Consequently, concepts such as consent, personal responsibility and care for oneself and others take on a particular significance.
We recognize this weight is not always easy to bear. It can be particularly challenging at this time in the academic year, so we encourage you to take advantage of the many resources and support structures provided at Grinnell. For academic concerns, you should always feel free to talk with your current faculty, your own faculty adviser, or to talk to our academic advisers here in the Student Affairs suite in the JRC. Other important resources include:
—Student Health and Counseling Services (641-269-3230)—confidential resource and also includes after hours emergency counseling or health phone consultation
—the Chaplain’s Office (641-269-4981)—confidential resource and Domestic Violence Alternatives/Sexual Assault Center Advocate
—talking to your RLC or the RLC on-call (641-269-4600)
—or any Student Affairs staff member (641-269-3700)
—Access to many of these services is available day or night.
In recognition of this week’s focus on sexual assault prevention in the Scarlet & Black, we join you in embracing the philosophy of self-governance that we all value. Sometimes self-gov means being responsible for our own behavior, and sometimes it means having the courage, confidence and care to encourage others to be responsible for their own. We need to help each other in ways that reflect our community standards – those are, Grinnellians act with integrity and consider how their actions will impact others; Grinnellians value not only their own personal safety but the safety of others; and Grinnellians accept the consequences for not upholding these shared values. If you or a friend are in need of support, please contact Campus Safety and Security at 641-269-4600 (24/7/365) to speak with an RLC on call (who also has access to a Student Affairs dean on call).
As we enter the final weeks of this school year, we urge you to take care of yourselves and each other. Please remember that all of us in the Grinnell community support you as you endeavor to uphold the tenets of self-governance.
Yours for a safe and respectful Grinnell,
Travis Greene
Dean of Students