Matthew Maschmann, Republican
Biographical information:
Matt Maschmann/47 years old/Republican/Rural Deep River/Deputy with Poweshiek County for 20 years.
What are the most pressing issues you hope to address while in office?
Mental Health plays a major role in the Law Enforcement Community. I would like to see better and more services for our residents.
Why should voters cast their ballot for you?
I have to the knowledge and experience to lead the Sheriff’s Office based upon 20 years of service.
What is your stance on abortion laws? Specifically, how do you feel about the 6-week abortion ban?
The Sheriff’s Office does create the laws we are bound to uphold what our legislators and the public make into law.
What is your stance on Iowa compulsory education laws, specifically SF 496?
Same as above.
If elected, what are three action steps or legislative policies you would pursue that would impact Poweshiek County?
The employees of the Sheriff’s Office will be more involved with the Poweshiek County community as a whole, participating and attending public events, I will work with our local resources to create better mental health services and availability to our citizens and we will work closely with the School systems in our County to ensure that our children and young adults have a safe environment to learn and grow.
Maschmann is running unopposed.