“Hari is the perfect comedian for the college crowd,” said Dane Haiken ‘12, one of the organizers of Comedic April. “He is hilarious as can be, but he’s also very thoughtful. He engages with very important issues like race and class and privilege.”
Hari Kondabolu’s performance tonight will kick off Comedic April, a series of comedy-based events during the month organized by Dane Haiken ’12 and Austin Frerick ‘12, ACE Coordinator.
“We wanted to have a whole month of events that wouldn’t get interrupted by a break, and we wanted something that would really appeal to a lot of students,” said Haiken. “We tried to get a broad spectrum of comedy events so everyone could enjoy it.”
Kondabolu’s performance usually consists of his comedy set followed by a question and answer session where he engages in a further dialogue with his audience.
“He doesn’t just want to bombard you with his punchlines. He want you to have a good time and enjoy the craft of his jokes, but he also wants things to sink in a little deeper. He wants you to leave the show having thought about the points he’s trying to make,” said Haiken.
Kondabolu will perform this evening at 9 p.m. in Harris Cinema, with opener Kath Barbadoro ’10.
In addition, Kondabolu will also be participating in an “Untitled Kondabolu Brothers Festival” event with his brother, Ashok Kondabolu of Das Racist, on Sunday at 9 p.m. in Harris Cinema.