Christopher Squier ’13 will be wrapping up his student exhibit of expansive, ball point pen landscapes, “Falling Out of Line,” this week. The show opened on Sept. 5 in the Smith Gallery.
“I’d say the theme behind all of it is being lost and finding your way, knowing that you’re confused, but also that it’s alright,” Squier said. “The ones featuring the big hills have a sense of isolation tied to them, they are very pristine, but no one is there.”

Though many of the pieces radiate a sense of stillness, even loneliness, they work well in conjuntion with Squier’s other work.
“This is my first solo exhibit, but I have had other work on display. I have learned a lot through this process in terms about how to install your work,” Squier said. “Initially, you have all these pieces of work that you didn’t think about in terms of having them come together and making a combined statement—it’s very different from making one piece of art stand on its own.”
Squier said that seeing his art on exhibit has not only changed his perception of it, but has also prompted him to continue working with the mark of the ballpoint pen in hopes of uncovering much of its overlooked potential.
“Now that my work is up on displayed it feels more finished. I wouldn’t change anything,” Squier said. “Some of the pieces I like more than others and having other people come up to it and say what they see, of course, this changes my perception of it, but in a good way.”
Although Squier hopes to further pursue the rolling, overlapping lines of the hills, he’s less wedded to the literal content.
“I think I would like to continue with the same ideas I have in the exhibit and the same imagery of the hills,” Squier said. “They can look like hills, but they can also look like clouds some say they look like muscles, floating shapes or even blankets. I would like to play more with how people can see them.”
Professor Lee Running, Art, has worked with Squier on some of the pieces displayed and particularly highlighted mark making in both Squeir’s exhibited and general work.
“I think what he has started to investigate with the marks he’s making is pretty rich territory,” Running said.