We wanted to take the time to thank you for running an article about the work DVA/SAC does on campus. Training to become an advocate is a huge commitment, and recognition of this commitment is greatly appreciated. We would like to quickly clarify a few points that last week’s article on DVA/SAC left unclear:
-The acronym DVA/SAC stands for Domestic Violence Alternatives/Sexual Assault Center (not student).
-The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) is a state level coalition that oversees member projects throughout the state. DVA/SAC is one of these member projects, serving Tama, Poweshiek, Jasper, and Marshall counties.
-The campus group called DVA/SAC Campus Advocates is a group of students who have been trained by DVA/SAC staff.
-The Red Flag Campaign occurred on campus, not in Marshalltown, and was successfully completed last year.
-The project working on commutating prison sentences is The Skylark Project (not Skylife).
—Alex Peterson ’11 and Allison Brinkhorst ’11