Sam Curry
I dressed up in my Wednesday’s worst outfit of colorful clothes in my apartment to prepare for my makeover at “Wonderland.” The door was unlocked, as it always is, since it literally does not lock. My wardrobe: a party top evocative of a Styrofoam cup (I call it Jessitop), in which I had one of my best nights at Grinnell, gray and Highlighter-colored shorts, a tie-dye not-Neverland t-shirt, socks and sandals.
I enter the room of SamCat [Sam Catanzaro ’19], the Stacy London of Grinnell College and member of “Mens’ Fashion Forum.” He welcomes me and begins to scour his closet for suitable options. Salmon shorts — too preppy. Sweater — too tight for my bulky frame. Bright orange Patagonia jacket — too L.A. on a 65 degree day. After taking a few long looks at myself in Sam’s four-way walk-in mirror (a wall mirror resting against the wall), we settle upon the perfect outfit: khaki shorts with the bottom fringe folded up (great idea), green and yellow plaid shirt, blue and white jacket and Ray-Ban sunglasses hung around the neck.
We go outside for the photo shoot, and SamCat leans down to get some solid shots of me from the bottom up. I feel like a million dollars and also a bit like my firm is about to go under from selling large bundles of sub-prime loans. But mostly, I feel like Sam Catanzaro.
Later, I go to the dining hall to debut my sexy look. Reactions range from “you look less like shit than normal” to “uhhhhhhh…,” but my stance is unchanging: I will respond to SamCat’s free and for sale post and buy lots of his clothing.