Will Jackson
I am a third-year, DC Posse 5, Sociology Major. At the conclusion of this semester, I will have completed two full terms as a senator for Jamaland. I am running for SGA President because I have the gumption to appropriately serve as the chief representative of SGA to the administration, faculty, student body, and other colleges. As President, I will orchestrate a productive Cabinet that does not pigeonhole the constituents it is paid to represent, but rather works with the student body in order to effectively and efficiently produce results. These results will not only look good on paper, but will also benefit the student body in a pragmatic manner.
Solomon Miller
I’m Solomon Miller, a junior math major concentrating in policy studies, co-Editor-in-Chief of the Scarlet & Black. At the S&B, I’ve followed school policy for almost three years. I already earned the respect of President Kington and other administrators, so I’ll stand on firm ground as an advocate for student interests. I also know SGA, serving on committees, attending Joint Board, and watching three cabinets from the newspaper office next door. I have ideas about academic advising, alcohol policies, and institutionalizing social justice and self-governance as philosophies we teach. Please approach me, read my plan, or email me with suggestions.
Shanna Nichols
My name is Shanna Nichols and I’m running for SGA president. I’m a third year philosophy major at the college and if elected I can be your best advocate. I have served as an Alternative Break coordinator, Admissions tour guide and student manager at the college bookstore. Through these organizations I’ve solidified organizational skills, mediating conflict, conveying information to large groups of people and combating challenges within a governing body. I am really easy to talk to and I’m asking you to let me be the vehicle for your voice on campus.
Colleen Osborne
Hey! My name is Colleen Osborne and I am running to be your SGA President. My experience of being senator for two years and sitting on multiple committees such as the Student Environmental Committee and the Student Handbook Revision Committee, has given me the knowledge and passion to be your president. If elected, I want to increase communication between alumni and the Career Development Office so that every student has the knowledge and access to the internship or job of their choice. I bring experience, knowledge, enthusiasm and leadership to this job. Please email me at [osbornec] with questions/comments.
Christian Snow
My name is Christian Snow and I am running for SGA President. I am currently the Community Service Coordinator Associate out of the CRSSJ. I am running for SGA president because I possess passion and the leadership skills. I feel better communication is needed at all levels of this institution. Various levels of differences and the specific needs there have to be recognized. Interaction with the community and other schools is needed. The importance of gaining experience from volunteering and service based learning should be stressed. I will try my hardest to set the foundation and approach everything I do with a passion that will motivate others to continue.
Amanda Muskat
I am running for VPSA because I am an advocate and a leader who consistently takes initiative to get things done, but more importantly, because I love this school. That’s why I’ve been a leader on campus for the last three years—I have consistently sought new ways to give back to this community through leading the Sisterhood Project, Pre-Law Society, Mock Trial and Alternative Happy Hour. My experience working for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) on Capitol Hill honed my ability to be professional, organized and level-headed, skills necessary for the VPSA position. It would truly be an honor to be VPSA, and I would appreciate your vote.
Sivan Philo
Hello! My name is Sivan Philo, and I’m running for VPSA. I feel that having volunteered as a Student Adviser for two years, and having founded and co-ran Spectrum, an SRC organization, I have developed the skills and qualities necessary for fulfilling the duties of the VPSA. If elected, I would first address the changes in campus climate surrounding the hospitalizations, thefts, and arrests. Following that, I would work with SGA Cabinet and administrative offices to implement a method of communication that would ensure transparent dialogue and provide institutional memory for these situations. Email me at [philosiv] with any questions.
Clint Williamson
I am a third-year English and Studio Art double major from Southeastern Illinois. I’ve served as a Jamaland Senator, and I am currently a FreeSound leader. I am running for VPSA, because I am fundamentally concerned with conveying student perspectives during the administration’s decision-making processes. Often the policies and desires of the Grinnell administration do not coincide with the dominant student opinion. As VPSA, I will represent the whole of Grinnell students to the best of my ability in order to insure that what we love about Grinnell remains intact while simultaneously working to find pragmatic solutions to the existing problems.
Sydney Devine
I am Sydney Devine, a third year Russian major. I would make an excellent VPAA for several reasons: I am qualified; I already have good rapport with many faculty members; I am a good advocate on behalf of the students; I care deeply about our Grinnell student community, and I will do everything I can to further relations between our faculty and the students. I am currently on JudCo, College Hearing Board, Committee on Academic Standing, and have been actively involved with SGA. I want to conduct reviews of the Grinnell Community Standards, the Honesty Policy, SEPCs, and our curriculum as well as continue with this year’s VPAA’s Experiential Learning.
Sam Mulopulos
My name is Sam Mulopulos and I’m running for VPAA. I have extensive leadership experience including serving as a two-time SGA Senator, a Student Supervisor for Grinnell Dining, volunteer with the Grinnell Prison Program, and member of the Board of Directors of the Sitka Conservation Society in Sitka, Alaska among others. As VPAA I hope to apply this experience to:
1. Enhance experiential and service based learning.
2. Promote Grinnell’s undervalued 3-2 Engineering Program.
3. Create a management concentration for students interested in non-profit leadership.
4. Expand the number of skill-based courses.
If you like these proposals, get out and vote!
Kelsey Scott
Hi, my name is Kelsey Scott and I’m running to be your next VPAA. I’m a third year math major with a neuroscience concentration and I’m also in the education program pursuing teaching licensure. I have served as senator for the off-campus cluster and as a member of the student council on curriculum. If elected, I want to continue the work I have done with the current VPAA to expand experiential learning at Grinnell. Having seen up close how academic affairs works, I know the difficulties associated with changing academics at Grinnell and I’m well prepared for the challenge.