A bell sounds upon opening the door of the Hallmark store at 933 Main Street. Right after that, one is hit by the smell of fresh paper and candles. Odd, maybe, but it is, after all, a gift store.
The prime attraction of the store is perhaps the culprits of the paper smell–the array of cards catering to, quite possibly, every imaginable occasion. If they happened to skip a holiday, blank cards are available to celebrate anything you can write down, including 10/10.

Cards range from the generic cutesy happy birthday style to fanciful musical cards that play songs once opened.
The store also stocks a wide range of gift items—from diaries and fancy stationery to photo frames, collectible plates and stuffed toys. More surprisingly, they sell shot glasses, hand-painted martini glasses and a selection of witty-message bearing gift items such as piggy banks and mugs.
Prices of gifts and cards vary substantially and are usually a bit high for a college budget, but by keeping a keen eye out for lower-priced objects or by racking through the discount shelves, it is easy to find a good deal.
The downtown Hallmark is a great place to pick out presents, if one isn’t terribly concerned about originality. Next time you feel the need to send snail mail, stop by to pick up the perfect card.
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Thursday
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturday