Horoscopes: How to Use Venus to Win Cuffing Season
September 19, 2022
Autumn is slowly but surely forging its way into Grinnell. The loggias are the warmest place on campus, Cleve Beach is covered in leaves and the sun is setting before 9 p.m.. This means it’s time to cuddle up and settle down with a partner before winter isolates us all. So, it’s a great moment to reflect on our Venus placements — the sign of love.
Your Venus placement is dependent on which of the 12 constellations the planet Venus was in at the time of your birth. Venus changes a little less consistently than the sun signs, somewhere from 20 days to a couple months.
Every astrologist is different and approaches reading birth signs with their own personal philosophy. When I read birth charts your Venus sign is the first thing I will look at. The way we express and desire love and pleasure, the way we seek out affection and how we interact with money are all key to understanding a person.
Each planet has its own “Return.” This is when the planet returns to the sign it was in when you were born. For example, if you’re a Scorpio Venus, when Venus passes through Venus this year, you will experience your Venus Return.
This period should be a positive one: this is when you should engage with love the most. Go on some dates, talk to your crush at that party and expect your love life to flourish.
If it’s not your Venus Return, investigate what sign the Venus is passing through. Although it might not be as intuitive or in your nature, you can respond accordingly. For example, Venus is currently in Virgo. Virgos are practical and humble. They prioritize loyalty over all else. They are methodical and intentional with their behavior. So, try to replicate these Virgo traits when it comes to your love life, until Sept. 29.
I cannot guarantee that even if you perfectly encapsulate a Virgo for the next month, you will find your soulmate, but paying attention to your Venus allows you to be intentional with your behavior and try something new. You never know! Maybe this meticulous approach is exactly what your dates were missing. As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Congratulations — it’s your Venus Return! You should be anticipating an abundance of love, flirtation and romantic inquiries this month. You don’t need to put yourself out there; love should come to you. Fight your instinct to over-prepare yourself (you don’t need to do a four-hour gym session before your date!) and nitpick your potential partner. Perfection is not a necessity.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Libras should be preparing for their own Venus Return. Resist the urge to focus on romance and love but indulge in some much-needed self-care! Reflect on what brings you joy in your day-to-day life. Watch lots of TV during this Return as self-care. How do you want your partner to be involved in your everyday? Where do they fit in?
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Your love life might not be popping, but your social life is going full force! Introduce yourself to everyone at that party this weekend. Network, network, network. Also, it’s time to download a dating app. Put some work into your Tinder profile and swipe right on everyone. Someone new you meet during this Return (either a social or romantic connection) is going to be an important person in your life.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Don’t resist the desire to be the center of attention! You deserve it. You’ve been working hard and some recognition is due. If you get a professional opportunity, jump on it (even if you don’t think you are qualified). Make sure you capture every moment with a photo. Celebrate liberally!
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Capricorns, look around at your new classes. Do any of your new classmates stand out as potential love interests? You’re going to meet your new romantic partner in a classroom setting. Try to make a significant memory with them and bond over this shared experience.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Physical touch is going to connect you to people around you. If you have a special someone in your life, lead with a physical connection. Hold their hand, give them a massage or play with their hair. This should be a gentle and intimate physical interaction. This will help you make some progress in your relationship!
Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20)
Consider what is essential to you in your soulmate, your lifelong partner. Literally make a list of must-haves and never compromise these. You do not need to compromise in your romantic life: it is supposed to be joyous and empowering. You will undoubtedly marry another Grinnellian.
Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)
Burn any energy you were going to put into sex and relationships and go for a run. Seriously, don’t bother this month. If you have a partner already, invite them to go exercise with you. Reallocate the energy into something external, but not sex or love. Don’t worry, you’ll have time and energy for pleasure this fall.
Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20)
Your romance this month is led by a desire to be creative. If you want to plan a date (with a new or existing flame), try to plan something artistic! Focus on physical art (i.e., drawing, painting, etc.). A random suggestion: if you can babysit or interact with children, this would be so healing for you. Seek out a babysitting opportunity!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
If you want to impress a new romantic interest, invite them to dinner with your best friends. It’s the best time to bring together your platonic and romantic life. Or, if you want a more intimate experience, cook a meal with your romantic partner.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Go be outside with nature, Cancers! Go for a walk by yourself and let life speak to you. While you wander, try to focus on what you love/ like about your romantic interest. If you want to show this person you like them, spoil them with words of affection. These can be spoken or written. If you feel the urge, jump on it and write a love letter to your romantic interest (or for anyone you love). They will appreciate it more than they can express.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
This month, focus on financial prosperity over love. Look out for a way to make some money on the side. Perhaps this investment of time and energy in a new project with monetary value will help lead you to a new romantic interest! A workplace crush might come about — don’t be afraid to lean into this!