With threats from the diminishing economy, Sheree Andrews being forced out by the administration, and changes being made to student staff, Grinnellians have grounds for concern. But rather than complaining on [plans], fears about the changing state of the College should be voiced to those who actually have the power to change things–the administration.
The SGA-sponsored campus discussion on Thursday was a great way to open up the lines of communication between students and administrators, but Grinnellians shouldn’t let the conversation concerning the direction of the College end with this open forum.
Houston Dougharty has voiced his interest in listening to students’ grievances, but when we limit our complaints to the realm of cyberspace, our voices can’t be heard.
The conclusion of this semester marks a unique time to voice concerns about the state of the College. If you want to see changes made next semester, share your voice in a constructive way and email Dougharty, Greene, or Osgood, set up a meeting, and talk to them.